Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stumbling Over Family History

Today instead of going home at lunch I decided to save the gas and go straight to gig# 2. On my way, I passed the Provo City Cemetary. I have passed it many time and often wondered if I had family buried there. In my recent galavanting across the internet in search of information about my Grandpa Madsen, I landed on ancestry and found a grave site for my Great Grandpa Madsen. It showed not only the cemetary, but the exact block and lot.

As I started passing by today, I took note that I was running early. So I pulled in, studied the map, and tried to remember what had told me. I remembered the Block, but not the lot where he was buried. I walked up and down and decided my memory wasn't spectacular. I was about to head to work when I remembered that I own a smart phone! With internet priviliges! :-)

A quick google search, and I found the correct lot. And there it was! Along with Great Grandma. :-)

After gazing at the marker and talking at it a bit, I looked around to see if I recognized any other names. Right next to them I found my Dad's cousin who passed away a few years ago, twin baby girls who died the day they were born to another of Dad's cousins ( I love that they were buried there, guarded by the great grandparents ), along with a ton of Nuttall's.

I told my Dad my find, and asked him if the Nuttall's found there were any relation to us. Turns out they were my great great and great great great grandparents. :-)

I love family. And cool finds like this.


Jane said...

I wonder if you're related to a family of Nuttalls I knew in college? That would be cool.

Jannie, Mom, Grams said...

And did you notice that Grandma Christina Nuttall's death date is YOUR birthdate?