Monday, November 28, 2011


Apparently I am a foodie. When I talk about places I have been, I usually talk about the food I ate there.

No wonder I am overweight.

Well, the food I ate this last weekend was wonderful. My favorite thing had to be the desserts my brother in law made. He made this blueberry/whipped cream...thing...oh my gosh, it was divine...and I usually don't go for fruity/berry desserts. Yum.

Well, I didn't have any food when I got back. My wonderful roommate let me have a cup of milk and two slices a break so I didn't die last night of hunger and had a peanut butter and honey sandwich. at lunch and before dinner I made a couple trips to the grocery store to stock up on stuff. Milk, OJ, cheese, bread. I got a bunch of fresh stuff like carrots, apples and such.

Got leeks for the first time. Totally making leek potato soup. Can't wait. Need some heavy cream. And I have great plans for the leftover cream...:)

Bought some cookie inspired ice cream. I also have great plans for that.

For dinner tonight: went simple and vegetarian. Steamed yellow squash, no salt or anything, and baked sweet potato with butter, cinnamon and a tiny bit of sugar. Yum.

Going to eat well this week.


Jane said...

I LOVE eveything berry, especially blueberry. What do you think I can trade your brother in law for his recipe?

The Tenneys said...

Jane- We gave Elizabeth the recipe, so she can just give it to you. ;)