Monday, December 8, 2008

Much Better...Christmas...and Brain-Storm...

Sleep and full stomach does least for me it does...:)

I missed breakfast, but I had a fabulous lunch (thank you drug rep Bryan) from Northport Diner (Chicken, Catfish, Green Beans, Creamed Corn, Hush Puppies, Corn Bread, Rolls, Banana Pudding...Oh SO Happy) and spent FHE tonight with Nichee instead of the YSA group...I talked her into making me her fried rice...I brought the ingredients, she did the master work...AND I have all the leftovers in my fridge right now as I type this...Elizabeth is eating well this week! :)

FINALLY finished watching the new Indiana that movie is so freaking cheesy...

Watched a snippet of the Star Wars Family Guy movie where John Williams gets burned up...Nichee thought I would love it, but I mean, they burned up the London Symphony Orchestra for crying out loud! I will admit I had feelings of mortification before I found the humor in word what is WRONG with me...seriously, I see any movie or commercial where a piano gets dropped and ends up in pieces and I cringe...maybe it's because of that one time when Southwest Airlines broke my cello...FRESHMAN year of college...right before juries and the last concert of the semester...yeah, that was BAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDD......


If any of you are trying to think of a gift for me, this would do: LINK

Seriously, I would LOVE to have it...definitely something that interests me...

I asked for the entire volume set of the History of the Church for Christmas years ago...finally got it last year...LOVED it...but unfortunately, that is among the many things that was left behind in New Mexico...still mine, but there just wasn't enough room for it...and everything else that made it with me...

Oh...and this: LINK

Just looks fun...:) Yes, Rocketgirl, I saw it on YOUR blog...


K, so I am both playing my cello and singing Friday night...I can swing the playing the cello part really well, but the singing...that will be a first in a performance setting besides that one voice recital I did in high school...

So, what should I sing? I have "O Holy Night" down easy, I think I sang that at that one voice recital now that I think about it...but what else? Suggestions? And this is a work Christmas party; they are all Christian except two are I should also probably do something that isn't necessarily Christmasy...

I was thinking "The Christmas Song" (chestnuts roasting on an open fire...) for one...but what else?

There will be about 70 peoples...doctors, nurses, front office staff plus families...GAH! Yes, I will admit, feeling a little's just been a while, that's all...


Anonymous said...

Have you seen the vintage James Bond movie where he and a sexy blond cello player ride a Stratavarius cello like a toboggan down a mountain? Not reccomended.

Elizabeth said...

Yes, and I HATE it...he lets it get a bullet hole in it for crying out loud!

Katy said...

I am jealous that you get to hang out with Nichee and eat her cooking!! Tell her hi from me, please. I'm sure you will do great no matter what you choose to sing; I always thought you had a beautiful voice; I'm also jealous of that!! Anyway, I'll leave another comment if I can think of anything else I'm jealous of....good luck Friday!!

EmilyLemily said...

I love you sister of mine!!! :) I will put up a post sometime soon...and that Indiana Jones movie was dumb...Ison was extremely disappointed. And whatever you play and sing, you will be great!