Sunday, December 7, 2008


SO I came home tonight after spending the weekend up in Birmingham and I left feeling very frustrated about something. Actually, frustrated and confused...I can't share what exactly it was that I was frustrated about...or rather, I won't, and I am not going to explain it to you so don't bother asking, but I did make the following conclusion...

Frustrated and tired REALLY don't work well together...especially when you have a hour long drive ahead of you.

Which makes me thankful for BFF's like Becky who got me thinking about something else on my drive home which also helped me relax and put things more into perspective and yeah...

And thankful for roommates who listen and can empathize really well...

Now that I have all of you lovelies confused, we can return to our normal programming...


Aubrey & Cheyenne Martin said...

Wow. Though I have absolutely NO idea what you could possible feel frustrated about, I feel your frustration. There was a lot of angst in that post! Thanks so much for helping with the funeral; we got so many compliments!

Big Tom the Great and Magnificent said...

Was it cuz you cant seem to get your new black ink in your printer to work?..cuz thats why i am frustrated.

Rocketgirl said...

grrr for frustration. Also grrrr for keeping secrets, I'm gonna call and pry it outta you:)