Thursday, December 4, 2008


You know, I haven't had any memorable dreams for a long, long time, and all of a sudden I am having nightmare after nightmare...WHY!?!?!? I even watched a happy movie last night to not have another, and yet again...

Maybe it's because I went to bed at midnight instead of at 10:30pm and my mind is revolting against that decision so it decided to punish me...

I hate nightmares...


EmilyLemily said...

Poor Elizabeth...hope your nightmares end soon.

Big Tom the Great and Magnificent said...

I welcome nightmares. this one time...some terrorist moved in across the street from me and then they took David and they were never seen again..the realty lady knew where they were but she was a terrorist herself and wouldnt i killed her...the point is..i woke up and was happy to not be living by my perspective changed

Jane said...

OMG - I know what you mean! I hate them too! I have to wake up comPLETEly after one, do the whole reaady for bed routine again to get it out of my mind or I will go right back into it when/if I fall asleep again. Hope they go away soon. Not fun at all.