Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Shopping, Shopping, Singing!! and...Petite??

The turkey is in hand people! And it's...big...and frozen...and kinda scary to be honest with you. My Daddy always handled this part of the program...ack!

I was able to remember most of the ingredients for the brine on the first go around, but I discovered I needed WHOLE cloves, not ground ones, and I forgot the Reynold's Oven Bag (which is God's gift to Thanksgiving Turkey cookers apparently) and a few other things. Thankfully I have a routine on Tuesday evenings which allowed me to take care of acquiring these artifacts.

Most Tuesday evenings I have my singing class. It's my favorite night of the week. I have an excellent teacher and an excellent (and I have to admit fairly good looking...yes, a 'he') classmate. I am doing things with my voice I have never been able to do.

Before said class, I travel to the small local grocery and purchase a water bottle. I also sometimes purchase cookies from their bakery. And if there is a need for other grocery items, I may also get them at the same time.

Now, for the funny part of this post. After getting these items and traveling to my class, we talked a lot, warmed up, sang, and when the next class showed we were about to start the group song when the other teacher asked a student what part she was singing. My teacher mocked her and asked how she could ask; that just by looking at her, you could tell she was a soprano. She screamed soprano in her looks.

So, I took the bait. I asked him if I looked like a soprano.

The girl they were talking about is maybe 5 feet and skinny and petite as heck.

I am not.

After a few moments of reflection, my teacher said yes. Then we rehearsed the song. After the group song, we traveled into another room to finish our class. As we were walking over there, my teacher said the following: 'Now, this may seem strange to you, but I really do mean it. You really are petite.'


I laughed. and laughed and laughed and laughed.

And then he went on to explain that the parts of me made of cartilage were in actuality very small. He points to my ear and asks my classmate if my ear looked like a soprano's ear (now he was making jest...I think) and I proceeded to go red in the face and hide all my 'petite' features from the world.

So...I'm petite?

1 comment:

Jane said...

The best I ever get is "short."