Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Christmas Songs...and Scene!

Ugh...can't find a Christmas song to sing for the LIFE of me!! It shouldn't be this difficult...seriously...

I need a unique Christmas song. Not your typical song that you hear. Yes, I am asking a lot apparently. I was originally going to do Once Upon a December, but that was confiscated by the teacher's son's girlfriend. (Follow? Some girl who may not even be around for the Christmas concert if things go south before then) UGH!!

The backup option is Walking in the Air (from the Snowman, you know, the cartoon...if you haven't seen it, youtube it and watch it...great one for families and individuals alike). It's pretty,'m looking for something a little awesomer...

You suggest Rudolph, and I am defriending you. In every way possible.

PAGE BREAK OF SOME AWESOME SORT...(yes I am too lazy to actually put one in...pathetic...)

Today I perused the Facebooks and saw that my lovely friend Reva was in need of some assistance. She discovered a fabulous phenomenon that when eating saltine crackers and drinking apple cider you get a vanilla aftertaste.

OBVIOUSLY she needed someone to test this out to make sure she wasn't going crazy.

Enter ME: I go to Target, call her and ask her all kinds of lovely questions about the cider, crackers, and life in general. I buy the necessities to test the theory, set the pot on the boiler and do my own testing. The method via Reva was: drink, cracker, let the cracker soak in the cider, THEN swallow...7 seconds later, vanilla aftertaste.

Well, she was right. :)

Hooray for fun little experiments. I really need a boyfriend or something...although, even if I had a distraction like a boyfriend, I probably would've still done this.

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