Sunday, February 15, 2009

#300 plus one...and Young Women stuff...and CELLOOOOOO...

So I didn't notice, but that last post of mine was this is post #301...yeah, so anyways, I thought it was cool...


So today I was all about taking the day off. I didn't have to travel anywhere for my calling, the next thing-a-ma-gig isn't until the end of the month and I have already done all that I really needed to do for that thing...

...then the high councilor over Young Women's comes to my ward...and ideas start flying through my head...

...then I come home, get home taught (yay, they are the kind that I don't have to remind to home teach me, very excited about that), have every intention to take a nap...and I get online and LO AND BEHOLD they have updated the young women's site.

For those of you lovely ladies not already in the know, they have added a new value to the Young Women's theme and program. The value is virtue, and the color is gold. This is kinda old news now for young women's, but they just came out with the new Personal Progress goals and such. Me being secretary, I promised to inform the Young Women's presidents and their presidencies as soon as they published the new stuff. So I wrote a nice email about that...

Well, guess what? Mom's can now get their Young Womenhood Recognition done too. And that is pretty dang cool in my book. I mean, the program that I grew up with didn't exist when my Mom was a youth...they didn't have the medallions or anything. They have changed the program even more to where they don't have the Beehive, the Mia Maid or the Laurel medallions anymore, and the Young Womenhood medallion is different now...has the Salt Lake Temple on it instead of the Young Woman in the dress...

Anyways, Mom's who have daughters that are Young Women can get their recognition as well. How totally freaking cool is that?

Yeah, so much for taking the day off. I wrote a BUNCH of emails today...


I practised today.
For an hour.
It felt good...

I am going to do more of this for a while. I have a strong urge to rebuild my chops. There really isn't a reason excepting the last couple of times I performed I did not sound good and it made me angry. So I decided to do something about it.

Mostly open string stuff for the right hand and scales, arpeggios and finger exercises for the left. I tried started the Kabalevsky Concerto No. 1, and my word I have some work to do. Intonation, technique, etc. etc....yeah, I have a ways to go...I wish I could afford a teacher right now, cause I sure could use one...

1 comment:

Debbie said...

That's so awesome that moms can get the young women recognition award now!! I had a calling in YW shortly after I joined the church, and they said I could earn it while I had a calling in YW, but a year and a half just wasn't long enough for me. Guess I'll be busy along with my daughters when they get into YW ;-)