Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Quick Update

I just wanted to relay a few things that I am shocked by right now:
  • Things are working out for the better...I have hit a number of roadblocks, but things are working out! With the house, with work, with friends, with family, etc....
  • I haven't needed to use my face medication in like 3 weeks; I have had NO major acne problems!! If there was a time for the stress that is surrounding me to show on my face, it would be now and it's not...maybe I have FINALLY grown up!!!
  • I LOST TWO POUNDS! How, I have absolutely NO idea, you should see the junk I am eating...for example, Monday my team threw me a going away potluck and all I ate that day was sugar, white flour, frosting, chocolate, fruit mixed with whipped cream that was stored in high fructose corn syrup...yeah, you get the idea...junk junk junk junk junk...and I lost 2 pounds. Someone please explain this too me!
  • I will be in Alabama on Saturday...
  • I am not sick...I have every reason to be, but I am not...I am SO afraid that once I land there in Alabama I am going to be so least I have health insurance until the end of the month
  • I am losing my health, dental AND vision insurance at the end of the month...I have the option to extend it, but it is SOOOOO dang expensive...but it is even MORE expensive if, oh, say, I trip over another stupid dog and my knee gets blown and I have to have surgery know what I did today? I slammed the door on my fingers...only one actually swelled up, it is throbbing now (probably doesn't help that I am typing with it)...I thought I broke it, but it moves so hopefully it's just a really bad bruise...yeah, can we say accident-prone?
  • I have SO MANY CLOTHES! I think I am going to have to ship a box of my clothing out to afraid that it will get lost in the mail...that would suck SO bad...should put insurance on it, huh? The package, that is...I am DIing a lot of clothing that I just don't wear anymore, so this moving stuff is good in some ways
  • How awesome my friends and family are...k, I am not really so much shocked, as I am extremely happy to see little things coming through the woodworks through these amazingly wonderful peoples...


Jane said...

Maybe the stress is causing you to lose weight instead of going to your skin? (Your complection is so gorgeous BTW, I want to be you!)
Whatever the reason, be happy and be safe in your travels!

Elizabeth said...

Wouldn't that be nice?! Thanks!!

Marla said...

I can't believe you are already in Alabammy....hey and for your face...I started some new stuff (not meds) that has completely cleared up my skin.