Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I NEED to get out of this house! I swear I have been in this house ever since noon...YESTERDAY!!! July 1st!!!

I was productive...every article of clothing that I own is clean, folded, ironed, hanging to dry, or put away. I packed lots more than I did the day before. Cleaned out my bathroom ALMOST completely, just have to do the shower and it's done. My room is starting to look like I am packing it have to understand, my room is both room and office, so it is a bit crowded in there...but most of my college books and notebooks have been packed and labeled along with lots and lots of music. I own a lot of freaking music!!

So yeah, someone PLEASE call me and talk me into coming to see them tomorrow...or you come and take me away from this place for a few hours. I need an excuse to not stick around here and pack and clean the whole day...:D

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