Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saturday is a special day, it's the day that we...

1. wake up early to go to work to get 4 1/2 hours overtime


2. cry through ALL of President Hinckley's funeral (literally...I went through three whole tissues and still needed more...)


3. go to downtown Phoenix to get Arizona driver's license (only place that was open today besides the one in East Mesa...interesting place, the MVD, but that is worthy of another blog entry at some other time...)


4. go to In-N-Out cause I can't remember the last time I went there and have a burger, no tomato with onions, fries and a strawberry shake.


5. watched Ground Hog day of course...out of respect for the most ridiculous holidays ever known to man. I mean that in the best way, of course. :)


6. went to a Superbowl Party. Yes, non-Church sponsered, all out NFL Superbowl party. It was free. The COUNTING CROWS performed. It was FREE. Do any of you understand how cool that is??? I LOVE THE COUNTING CROWS!!!

And for your listening pleasure, here is just a snippet of what I was able to enjoy. Now, I want you to notice, the guy playing bass guitar...he looks over toward me at the end and starts making this really funny face. K, you can't really tell really well since the video is a bit small, but anyways, I was pretty close to the stage, and I tell you he kept looking over at me and making these funny faces ALL THE TIME. I daresay he was trying to flirt with me. That with the guy that I saw relieving himself in a not so secluded place (no, didn't see anything indecent, just a nice steady stream...blech!) and then telling me that he wasn't sure if he should catch up to his group of friends or if he should introduce himself, I was hit on twice tonight. Too bad one is in an incredible band and the other is, well, indecent, incompetent, and was drunk. Oh well. Perhaps a decent guy will hit on me at Church tomorrow. Perhaps.


Janel said...

That all sounds like a lot of fun!!! Well, except the peeing guy, thats just gross. I thought he had a smooth opening line, gotta give him some credit for that one! ;)

Marla said...

Ah, come on, anything free where you get to watch a bunch of drunken people make fools of themselves is totally worth it! :)

Aimee said...

Watching the video makes me want to go play guitar hero!

You are so freaking lucky to get go, for free even!

Jane said...

That is one busy Saturday! I didn't do nearly all that - only laundry and groceries and danced all night at the Dickens Festival!!
Totally love that the SuperBowl party was FREE AND Counting Crows a FREE event. Awesome.