Saturday, February 16, 2008

Pageant Rehearsal and drama at the temple

Today was my first pageant rehearsal! It was fun. We actually got up on the angel stage and practiced a couple of the scenes. The angel stage is REALLY high up there. I will take a picture that will give you the feel for it one of these days...

There is this really cute guy there. See, I told you, I would move on soon enough out of my dwelling-over-what-happened-last-year stage. This guy, he is 6'3", cute!!!, GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE!!! and is only 23! He and I are the tallest guy and girl, so of COURSE we are standing next to each other pretty much the whole time. We will probably be at least pretty good buds by the end of this. I am technically a missionary until the end of the last performance March 22nd, so...and they threatened us today too about that. No comfy, touchy feely stuff! They actually have kicked people off of the pageant because they were just too close. Crazy! They DO want us to marry each other and invite them to the wedding and such, but not during pageant. :)


So, it's Saturday, we are on the temple grounds (fyi, the Mesa Arizona Easter Pageant is held on the front lawn which is HUGE on the temple lot, right next to the visitors center. Pageant is being held DURING Spring Break people! Come see me, come see me!), and I see a bunch of people just hanging out around the front not looking too happy. Get over to the angel stage, turns out the couple that were supposed to get married today FORGOT to get their marriage license. The office is only open from Monday through Friday...Monday is a holiday...AND his family flew in from Detroit AND they aren't even members of the Church.

Oh boy, from what I understand the bride was just absolutely crying her head off. I couldn't even imagine...

The temple cannot marry them without a marriage license. They can get in huge trouble if they do perform one. CRAZY!


What do I think of the new car? It finally stopped raining so I took it in for a bath finally. It is so shiny now, and it smells like lemon! Yay!


I am speaking in Church tomorrow. Pray for me! I think I am getting sick. Of course, it's a sore throat.


Marla said...

who cares if the guy is 23....I went out with a guy who is four years younger than me and had a great time....I say, be open! Woo hoo!

Jane said...

That's an interesting requirement for a performance group. No loving on the cute guy next to you! At least not for a month...
And I can TOTALLY sympathize with the wedding party. We almost had the WRONG KIND of marriage license!! Fortunately the temple in the Jungle could fix it for us. That was one more stress I didn't need. Poor bride. Do you know what happened?