Wednesday, December 12, 2007


A dear, sweet friend of mine has lost her sister-in-law in a tragic car accident. After reading her blog entry, I went to put a note on it, and noticed that one of the notes from a friend of hers said something to the effect of "I know that this may seem small, but thank you for sharing this with us, it really puts things into their proper perspective." How true that is.

I looked at my last blog entry, and all I did was complain. About what? Petty things. Her brother and nephew are without wife and mother, her parents have lost a daughter in law that was a real blessing to their family, etc etc. The things I complained about are petty compared to the pain they are going through. I should be thankful for what I have, and I am, but not enough. I have work to do.

Friends, family, look at your own families. Love them. Make sure they KNOW they are loved, don't just assume that they know. I know personally that they will question whether you do or not if your actions do not lead them to believe that you do. Saying you love them is NOT enough by any degree, especially if it sounds like it was an afterthought. Working your head off to make sure they have everything they need and want in life isn't enough, I have discovered. It is of course appreciated, admired, respected, but...they would rather miss out on luxuries, be dirt poor and know that you love them than have that XBox and question your love. Take time to find something you like about them and let them know that you like it. Pray for them. Hug them and hold them. Make it feel like they are special. They need it.

1 comment:

Marla said...

Thanks for sharing this experience. It is SO true! It is important to SHOW not just tell those we love that we love them because we do not know how long we will have the opportunity to be with them here on earth. I was having a really poopy day today, then read your blog and realized that I have nothing to complain about! THANK YOU!