Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cuteness, cough and Daddy

Have you ever had this happen?

The mother and father of this really cute single Mormon guy who is probably my age are talking with me one day...and they ask me do you know of any cute girls we could set him up with?


Hmm...makes me wonder about my appearance very much. :)


Went to Church today, coughed through the whole thing. Allergies the doctor says. I say fooey to that. I very much doubt this is allergies. I don't feel like I have them! I just all of a sudden, 5 days ago, started coughing and I CAN'T stop. Go to sleep coughing, wake up, don't even sit up and I start coughing. :) Yay for being sick. Makes me grateful for being healthy.


My Daddy just knocked, open the door, asked me what I was doing, and then closed it. He is a funny guy. I love him. :) When we (sister and I) got home from Church, I walked straight to my room to change. He thought I was mad because they left me behind. :) Funny Daddy.

And yes, his name is Daddy and my Mom's name is Mommy. :) It's not Dad or Mom, although I think I tend to use the names Mom and Dad when we are in public. :)


Janel said...

Mark has been coughing his guts out for a week now, I finally forced him to the urgent care last night and is now on EVERYthing. Hope you stop coughing soon its the pits!

Marla said...

Ugh...I've had a cold this whole week, thought I was over it, and as soon as I landed in Cali, started coughing too! Maybe its a family thing! Get better! Enjoy your Christmas!

EmilyLemily said...

I love Daddy, too! He sometimes calls me just to see what I am doing or to come over to my house for a "cat fix"