Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yes I did, No I didn't...

I never followed up on the singles ward attendance thing...I have visited the 'older' YSA ward twice for Church, and went to a couple of their activities and already made a good group of friends. The dance last night was pretty fun for a change, mostly due to the fact that the group I knew were people who actually danced at the dance. YSA dances are strange things...some people go, but don't dance, complain about people who do dance or laugh about how they dance and then leave unhappy. Not my crowd of people, for sure. I even Viennese Waltzed! That was almost the highlight of the night!!! My Dad taught me a long time ago how to do that, and this guy happened to be a ballroom dancer at BYU, so voila. Very fun.

I am glad I decided to visit that ward. I won't be attending every Sunday, though. Tomorrow being Father's Day will be spent at my ward with my Daddy, so no singles ward for me this weekend. Also the YSA unit meets on the other side of gas tank is kinda feeling it...

One of the presidency for the YSA branch that I could move my records to called me today and invited me to move my records to the branch...but I kindly said no. I have gotten used to belonging to a family ward, and attending YSA stuff on the side. I like being a part of a family ward...the callings I get in a family ward are FAR more rewarding. Singles wards are so transient, and I like the stability that comes from a family ward. Unless the Bishop or someone with authority tells me to move my records, I am sticking with the family ward. I can visit the singles ward or this YSA branch whenever time allows for it. I won't go every Sunday of course, since my records are in this ward...I hope I get a calling that will allow me to attend the singles ward at times though.

As for the blind date, I stuck with my guns and said no thank you. I think I disappointed my brother-in-law...evidently he was excited about setting it up, but I am pretty sure I had a much better time that night having dinner with my sister, bro-in-law and another couple than I would've with some other guy there. And I went to the dance right after and met a bunch of people, including some guys.

And there is your update on the life and times of Elizabeth.

1 comment:

Nilla said...

Glad you had a good time at the dance, and the dinner beforehand! I, like you, opted for a family ward. I was considering transferring my records to the YSA branch, simply because I didn't feel a push either way and figured that's where people who were single and in their 20s would be. However, the very Sunday I was going to discuss this with my bishop, I was called into the RS presidency. So that was that. And I've been in a family ward ever since. I agree -- it is more comfortable for me. What I'm used to.