Monday, May 31, 2010

Feeling Out of Place...

Went to Church yesterday. In the ward I attended when I was in Young Womens. And it was very odd. For starters, they have a new building. A stake center actually. Since I moved away when I was 18, they created a new stake...and the stake center is across the street from my old high school. Very least, for me it was.

Then there is the ward. About 1/3 of the families in the ward were there when I moved away...but what's weird is that some of them are people that were youth with me, and they are now married, have different last names, and have KIDS...not just one, but many!

Yeah...weird. At least my old YW President is Relief Society President. Gives me a little feeling of normalcy...

And then I don't know anyone else in the ward...I know one member of the bishopric from when I lived here least I know one member of the stake presidency...he used to be my Bishop. :)

The new building is HUGE...biggest stake center I have been in, and I thought nothing could top the Birmingham stake center...I of course am not counting the tri-stake center in Mesa...

Anyways...strange to be home. But nice too. Dad made me my favorite meal that he makes...spaghetti and meatballs, using Grandma Madsen's meatball recipe (SO GOOD). And I had me a tuna sandwich using Dad's relish for lunch today...yummers...and we've already had Mom's cheese toast...I am fully expecting zucchini casserole next. :) And homemade root beer. YUM!!!

1 comment:

Jane said...

I want to come to your house for dinner.