Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Long shot for Haiti...

Alright peoples...I know this is a long shot, but you never know who knows who...

I have a friend in Haiti right now who is traveling around finding all the orphanages, seeing if they have any supplies and such, and is trying to get aid to those who desperately need it. He went to Haiti on a whim, not knowing what to do but knowing that he needed to help somehow, and was led to start helping the orphanages. It's been a LOT of work just getting addresses and such for the orphanages there (evidently they don't believe in telephone books w/ addresses in Haiti...).

Anyways...he has started the process of evaluating needs of orphanages. His problem now is finding a long-term provider of supplies for these, medical, everyday needs such as diapers...

He is working with the Salvation Army, but they will be no good as a long term provider due to a lot of red tape that would be involved.

Any takers? Know someone that is already down there and is just looking for good places to land their supplies?

You can check out the work my friend is doing HERE.

On one hand, I think he is a crazy person for going all by himself to a country where he doesn't speak the language and where he could very easily run into trouble, considering all that is going on...on the other hand, I wish I was in a situation where I could go down and help in some here I am attempting to help in some small way.

He has already made contact with the Church there, but they are not sure if it will go anywhere...if you know a higher up in the Church that could get things moving, that would be really really really awesome...or ANY organization that could get things moving for these kids. He found an orphanage that had over 200 kids, their building totally decimated, 6 adults taking care of them all, and NO supply shipments...and he found them YESTERDAY...UNbelievable...

1 comment:

Jane said...

That is a totally crazy story. (I read his blog too.) I wish I knew people. I'll have to up my prayers to include Michael too.