Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Some thoughts...

I need to stop making promises to write posts about this, that and whatnot...

I MAY get to posting posts I promised to post...(say that three times fast)...

And I MAY stop promising to write posts on certain topics...maybe...

One day a post was in production...and suddenly it was way past bed time. My whole evening was gone. That makes me so angry, because I need to attempt to get a full nights sleep...

I believe I have mentioned the following before, but oh well, I am repeating myself. Won't be the last time, for sure. I am trying to turn a much needed leaf and be on the internet/computer as little as possible after work. I am on it all day at work. The evenings need to be dedicated to doing something useful...useful only includes the internet IF I am working on a very long paper...

Where did the summer go? It seemed like it would never get here, and now it is very nearly gone. The school buses are back in all their glory. Good to know that the school systems are still able to run despite all the economic turmoil happening...

I am thinking about creating another blog...one that is on a specific topic, unlike this one that consists of random burblings that come to mind...one that will stretch me a bit, and will cause me to do some good research...I have found that I love doing research. I probably should've been a musicologist...but music theory stretches me and and challenges me, which is why I have stuck with it...

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