Sunday, September 14, 2008

Football in Sunday School...and stuck...

You know you are in Alabama when the football game comes up during Sunday School. :)

Seriously, it did. I love the South...

You know, it's funny, I know SOOOOO much about college football right now...and I have actually sat down and watched one game. ONE. That's it! I know that Ohio got trashed and is overrated, BYU made UCLA look horrible, Auburn went down in the ratings, Alabama is 9th in one and 13th in the other...and there are other details that I know...

...but honestly, I really am not a fan. There are other things I would rather talk about. But it's amazing, people talk about it ALLLLLLLLL DAY LOOOOOOONG. That is my source for the great extent of my football knowledge...

My boss listens to talk radio at the office and what are they talking about? Football...

Buying groceries what are the people in front of me talking about? Football...

Kids in my neighborhood? Football

Patients in the office? Football

Church? Yes, even there, football.

Football football football...

Me? Baseball fan. Go D-Backs! Still not happy with them being behind, but they will catch up.


K, the real reason for this post is that I have not been inspired with any topics, if you haven't noticed. So here is your great opportunity people! :) Any suggestions for a blog topic? Or something you would like me to re-address?


The Allen Fam said...

Just tell us how you are doing, think of your blog as your journal. That is what I am doing now. I miss you tons and love you very much!

Jane said...

Sorry to break the sync we had going but I am SUCH a football girl. Especially college football. 'Course it doesn't hurt that I went to the school that trashed Ohio State on Saturday. :D
But yeah, there are other things to talk about at church.