I think they have done a tremendous job of getting people and countries to help improve the lives of people all over the world. ONE.org is pretty much all encompassing, from improving drinking water accessibility to education to getting out malaria shots...anyways, here is a link to their website:
I am copying the following from their website:
"ONE is American of all beliefs and every walk of life - united as ONE - to help make poverty history. We are a campaign of over 2.4 million people and growing from all 50 states and over 100 of America's most well-known and respected non-profit, advocacy and humanitarian organizations. As ONE, we are raising public awareness about the issues of global poverty, hunger, disease and efforts to fight such problems in the world's poorest countries. As ONE, we are asking our leaders to do more to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. ONE believes that allocating more of the U.S. budget toward providing basic needs like health, education, clean water and food would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the world's poorest countries."ONE is nonpartisan; there's only one side in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty. Working on the ground in communities, colleges and churches across the United States, ONE members both educate and ask America's leaders to increase efforts to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty, from the U.S. budget and presidential elections to specific legislation on debt cancellation, increasing effective international assistance, making trade fair, and fighting corruption. Everyone can join the fight. The goal of ending poverty may seem lofty, but it is within our reach if we take action together as one. You can start now by joining ONE and pledging your voice to the fight against extreme poverty and global AIDS."
So, yeah, I like the campaign and what I have seen so far. They have made a huge effort during the presidential elections to get the nominees to commit to fight global AIDS and poverty. I think it's a great campaign and thought that I would share this with you. You can be passively involved by adding your name to push certain pieces of legislature via emails sent to you or you can actually join local ONE members in talking with the community and such. I like it, and I think it's worth taking a look at, at least.
Good golly - can you get any better? You're like the perfect person! :-)
I want to be you when I grow up!
Old relationships can be worth it now and again. One old boyfriend taught me how to drive a stick shift. t's not as good as ending poverty, but it was kind of handy nonetheless:)
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