Saturday, August 30, 2008

Great Weekend!...and the New Firefox

I took the invitation of my friend to come and visit her and her family this weekend, and it's been great. I will have a great and grand post w/ pictures and videos at the end of this lovely and LONG 4 day weekend (I don't work Fridays, and of course Monday is LABOR DAY, woooooot!!!! No better way to celebrate the ability to work than by having the day off of work...that is the point of Labor Day, correct??? :) )

So until that post, this post will be about:


The new know, I haven't minded any of the updates, but I have to say so far I haven't like this update and for one specific reason. The bar where you type in the URL for whatever website you want to go to (I know it's not called a bar, I just don't remember the correct word for it at the moment) pulls up I guess the most recently gone to match for whatever you have typed in so far...which is ok but I would rather it go to the most popular than the most recent, because in all likelyhood I am wanting to go to the most popular...for example:

I watch the main headlines on AOL just to see if there really is something interesting...there are anywhere between 5 and 8 different pages of headlines that switch to the next page every 10 seconds or time I saw something interesting (don't remember what the article was at present), and right as I clicked it changed to the next page which had a link right where I clicked to an article concerning something about sexual for a while, when I started typing in, Firefox would show the first option being that article........yeah, a little more than a little bit annoying, I have to say......

AND it shows the actual title of the page (the title of the page is, well, for example, my blog title is The Amazing Adventures of a Music Theorist, but the URL is thewonderfulwizardofmusictheory...) in addition to the instead of line after line of just URL matches from your recent history log, it shows the URL and the title of the URL's page just above that option...which takes up a lot of space...AND I just do not like it at all...what is the point of that??

Otherwise, I think it's a good update. It seems to work faster than the older versions, and is a bit more compatible with certain websites...I am sad that it didnt update my word checker...I will have to search around and see if there is some sort of compatible update of that wonderful word checker out there in the newly updated Firefox land...

1 comment:

Jane said...

Four day weekends are the best! Havinig Monday off is by FAR the best holiday. So yay! Labor Day and yay! Memorial Day!