Monday, August 4, 2008

Eaten Alive and the Heat

I think the official count is fifteen mosquito or something or other bites on my legs...I have sweet blood, so they just love me I guess...I HATE THIS! I tell you what, benadryl is my friend right now, my legs would totally swell up without it...


So a lot of people here have been complaining about the heat, and then they turn to me and ask me about what I think of the heat here. Being from Arizona, I am a professional on heat, right? :) I walk outside here, and I do notice the humidity, mostly due to my asthma, but I don't notice the heat. I usually think it feels really good here...maybe the humidity distracts me from the heat, but really, 100 degrees feels wonderful after being in 114 degree weather every single day. I saw a headline recently showing "Dallas experiences 10th day straight of 100 degree weather" or something like that, and I totally laughed. Man, AZ is on what, day 60 of 110 degree weather? But it's a dry heat, right? Ha! I tell you what, it is hot hot hot in AZ. You notice it. And you get used to it eventually. 

My most memorable experience with heat was a summer when my old piece of junk car was overheating and I didn't have the time to take it in to get it fixed. I was delivering pizza that summer for Pizza Hut. So there I was, with anywhere from one to twenty pizzas in the car, driving with the heater on high to cool off my engine, windows rolled down, and it's 118 outside...I lost about 4 pounds I think due to driving around in the heat so much. I would drink a gallon of water just in the hours I was delivering...

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