Saturday, December 26, 2009


I am officially a fan of Skype. I signed up just this last week, and have already talked with a bunch of family...

If you don't know what it is, Skype is phone service that is free...except, instead of a phone, you use your computer...AND you have video along with the sound.'s free...

If you have a Web Camera and a microphone built into your laptop/computer, I would give this baby a whirl.

The only annoying thing is with the sound...if your internet is slow, so is Skype, AND there is a pause between what you say and what they say...AND if there is more than one person talking, sometimes it's hard to understand what is being said. I suppose that last thing is fairly normal though.

Do you Skype?

1 comment:

Jane said...

I haven't up until now, but I am thinking I need to get some friends from far away so I can. I have a computer with a microphone AND a camera.