Monday, October 12, 2009

Columbus Day Soapbox...

I am getting old...

The day has come when Christopher Columbus has become a bad guy. is his fault that thousands of people died because he brought smallpox over on purpose...which led to more people coming over bringing more disease and killing off more thousands on purpose. And then they took over land that wasn't theirs, stole their gold, and he single-handedly caused the slave trade.

Forget the fact that he was going on uncharted (seriously, he didn't have a map...yes others had sailed it before, but there was no map for him to go by, so I call that gutsy) waters to try and find a way to China and India so that it would be easier to trade with them. Forget the fact that it would've been quite a while longer before another would've made that trip and started the European was going to happen at some point...

People have done all of this during the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE EARTH. God even commanded people to do that, for those of us God-fearing peoples...

My word...


Jane said...

I try to be amused at the people who think that if they write history differently it will change what actually happened but mostly I want to punch them in the head. Is it regretable, sure. 'Ol CC didn't WANT for all the natives to die but did he know a whole lot about germs and communicable diseases? The man had just left a world where the Plague had killed millions not too long previously. And knowing what happened post CC has not stopped anyone from invading anyone else's space has it? No. No, it has not.
The short version is, I hear you. Lay off the poor guy.

Katy said...

Oh no! I like Columbus alot! I'm pretty sure he has been mentioned by name in talks by general authorities as having been blessed and called by God to do what they did, but I'm gonna go have to look it up. I read a non-fiction book about him and his luck was amazing; it certainly seemed that he was blessed. He once received two naked (or partially clothed) virgin native young women as a gift from one of the tribes he 'discovered' and he fed them, put clothes on them and sent them back untouched. So, you know, it's stuff like that that makes me admire him.