Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why Not?...and My Latest Battle Wound...and Scrubs


They are advertising that you can get a free handbag, and I just so happen am in need of one, since mine is getting raggedy from overuse...and this gives me 25 more entries...so there.


Once upon a time there was a mole...as in the kind that are dark spots on skin...

About a year ago there mole scabbed over and never healed, but because it didn't grow any bigger the owner of the mole didn't bother the good doctor with it (by the by, if you get easily grossed out, woozy, whathaveyou, scroll down to the bottom of the blog entry...no icky pictures, just icky story telling...)

Then the scabbed over mole turned into what you see above...now, it looks like a big pimple, right? Well, the next day (sorry, no picture of the next day) it grew much bigger, with a red inner circle that was about an inch in diameter and swelling around it to about...oh...say 3-4 inches in diameter...

Well...I work for seven doctors...which is rather convenient...except they don't have the technology in the office for lancing infected ________ (spider bite, scabbed over mole...not sure which one it was, I am voting for #2 though...)...because I work in a pulmonary office...so I get sent to a family practice doctor...he numbs it up (swells my arm to twice its normal size with the amount of anesthesia he shot into me), starts cutting a minute later, asking me if I feel anything, does it hurt (no...)...I am watching the whole thing happen by the way...there was a (details people, if you get woozy turn away) small white pea sized ball (probably what was underneath the mole), bunch of white fluffy gunk, clear liquid in the big abscess that had grown, and of course the obligatory blood...
He stuffed the abscess with stuff...'packed' is what that is called, supposed to help it drain, and as you see padded it with TONS of sterile pads to soak up anymore junk that was in there...I get the lovely opportunity to pull it all out...(yuck, I am making one of the nurses do that for me tomorrow morning) and put a big bandaid on it and see him Friday morning. Antibiotic and Lortab...yeah, not taking anymore of the latter...SO sick to my stomach, threw up, should NOT have driven but it didn't start working until I was halfway there...and the air does not work in the institute building...blah!

So there you have it...


What'd'ya think???


Jane said...

That looks awesome and like it was so much fun...not. Not grossed out but I can see where others might be. I hope your arm feels better soon.
Love the scrubs. You can give me a shot anytime! ;)

Rocketgirl said...

What is wrong with you?! It's like your body has a crush on doctors or something. Hrmmm.....

Kayla said...

Wow, I hope you are feeling better. That's crazy stuff!

And yes, I like the scrubs :) I was always jealous of the dental assistants in my old office because they had comfy scrubs to work in while I had to wear nylons and skirts in the front office...so not fair :) LOL