Monday, March 22, 2010

Going on an airplane...

I am rather excited, I have to admit, to be leaving Alabama to go to my cousins wedding in San Diego...

...leaving tomorrow, won't be back for 1 1/2 don't worry if I don't post until after I get back...

...unfortunately, my purse attacked my digital camera, so I won't be posting pictures of the good times being had by all unless my sister lets me borrow hers...which she may, cause, you know, she's my sister and she loves me :)...


Jane said...

Have fun! We will be thinking of you in all the sun and surf.

Rocketgirl said...

Have a blast!! I do envy you! Our camera got eaten too, so we had to buy a new one again.. is it wrong that I don't mind when I break the cameras because we always get a better one? ;)