It's over. The last scene, the finale, I was bawling my eyes out. It is amazing how close a group of 36 incredible and amazing angels can get in a matter of...what, 6 weeks? It was seriously the most amazing experience of my life. I have never experienced anything quite like it. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I wish we were still performing for another 2 weeks.
It was amazing. Seriously, I love every one of the angels, they are just amazing people. One is leaving on his mission in a week and a half. A bunch of us went to the open house tonight, a group were at his ward this morning to listen to his talk.
We are all planning on staying in touch with each other. We already have a contact list, I am hosting a party Saturday, next Monday we are doing FHE together, conference we are getting together...
And you know, there is no way to really explain to you what the experience was really like unless you have done a Church Pageant before. If you have done plays before, you may understand how close you can get to others, but if you or others didn't get along with the people around you, you don't understand. If you have ever served a mission or had a calling that required you to work every day for hours with a large group of members, then you may understand, but again, if you didn't get along with someone...
All 36 of us were friends with each other. None of us belittled each other. We were open, welcoming, friendly and loving. This last week was just sweet and wonderful. I wish I could replay everything again.
I twisted my ankle Friday night between walking from the devotional to the stage to perform. I made it look like nothing was wrong with me while performing....but oh, it hurt, believe you me. Still does because I was so rough on it. But a turned ankle wasn't going to stop me!!!
I think nearly every one of the angels had a turn either helping me down the stairs or carrying my stuff. I never asked them for help carrying stuff, they pretty much just took everything out of my arms. But as soon as I requested an arm I immediately had four. One of the angels wrapped my ankle for me (nurse). Another ran for ice. I mean, what an incredible group. If I really felt like I needed it, I could've asked any one of those men amongst our group to give me a blessing, and not worry about whether they were worthy of the priesthood which they held. What an amazing experience.
Sorry, but seriously, it was incredible. As I was driving home, I felt the 'mantle' of the calling leave. I cried again for about the fifth time that night. I didn't want it to leave. Seriously, before I would say that the best calling I have ever had was Primary Chorister. This calling wins by a landslide.
Happy Easter everyone! Easter this year fell on my Dad's birthday. I was lucky enough to have my family here for Easter! They made ham, mashed potatoes, rolls, green was incredible. We went to Church together. We ate together. It was WONDERFUL! I am so grateful to know that I am sealed to them for all eternity!
I know that Jesus Christ lives! He suffered and died for us, and we will all be resurrected through him and may return to our Heavenly Father's presence if we have Faith in Christ, repent of our sins, are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost by the proper priesthood authority AND if we endure to the end. What a glorious message, what good news!