Monday, November 4, 2013

Bioluminescent Bay

My cousin Crystal and I went on a kayaking tour of a bioluminescent bay and lagoon tonight. We got in our kayaks in the bay, kayaked ourselves into a canal, and suddenly the water started glowing whenever we touched it with our paddles! I couldn't believe it, so I tried tossing some water to see what it would do, and sure enough every drop glowed. It was beautiful and amazing. I loved it when it got really dark in the mangrove covered canal, the glowing would get more intense. The ambiance in the canal was cool too...very Pirates of the Caribbean ride-like...

The lagoon itself was amazing. As people from the tour moved along, you could see the water under their kayaks start to glow super intensely. I realized if you just looked at the water, it sparkled as the water would disturb itself as it flowed. We had some time to move around a bit in the lagoon without the pack of kayaks.

Then we headed back to the bay...and a HUGE rain and wind storm came up right as we got into the bay...Crystal was already tired from having surfed this morning, and she was a little under the weather, so I kept having to encourage her to paddle faster and with more arm strength than what she was a little crazy. Up till that point my shirt had stayed dry, but it was thoroughly soaked through with the rain and the little waves that crashed against the boat. What an adventure!!

1 comment:

Jane said...

That's all I've got for you right now.