Sunday, October 7, 2012

182nd Semi-Annual Conference

Told ya I was going to be posting. And with PICTURES!

So, if you are friends on Facebook with me, you would know that I was a little obsessed with conference this weekend. Cause I went to the Saturday sessions. The above picture was my view of the first session. And....

This was my view of the second session. We had tickets for both. Well actually, I got tickets for the afternoon, and our friends had two extra tickets for the morning session. So it worked out rather nicely to stay for the whole day! :)

It was AMAZING as usual. Extra amazing cause we were there for the announcement of the change in age requirements for outgoing missionaries. I find it an enormous benefit as all singles wards will soon be bereft of 18 year old guys. All guys in singles wards will now (potentially) be fair game. Not that I am going for an 18 year old, or a 20 year old, but still, now there will be less wondering whether the guy is fair game or not for all the lovely young ladies in the wards.

Super excited for Tucson. Regardless of where my college loyalties lie, it is way awesome that Arizona will have 6 temples! I am calling the next one for Flagstaff. It would make sense to me to put one there. But I am no prophet...or prophetess.

LOVED the talks. So many amazing ones. Saturday was my favorite overall, but Sunday afternoon was rather awesome. Elder Holland was of course incredible. And I need to take Elder Bednar's talk with a glass of hot cocoa and really read it. Same for Elder Hale's I think. Did you notice he was standing for his talk? So glad to see he is doing so much better. He looked a great deal like his old self than he had, but he was still obviously frail.

So what did you like about it?


Jane said...

Despite listening to all four sessions - to the detriment of my usual activities on a Saturday - I am going to need a lot of cocoa to go through all those talks again. Good stuff.

(Has anyone mentioned that you have a really hard word verification?)

Master P said...

I felt the same way about Bednar! I was like - okay, there's levels here I'm not getting yet... And I loved Saturday too. I also loved the one on Sacrament on Sunday afternoon. I need to look them up and read them again since I might have napped though Elder Scott... :)