Thursday, September 2, 2010

Halloween on a budget...

Alright, so it's that time of year again. Well, it's just around the corner at least. That's right, Halloween! The best holiday of the year! Where it is ok to dress up as something absolutely ridiculous.

K, so I am on a budget. Like, a SERIOUS budget. BUT I do have some great makeup, including my fancy dancy green makeup that I used last year for my oh so fabulous Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West/Glumda the Depressed Witch from Oz costume, and I even have that costume with me...but I don't want to be a witch.

So, suggestions, anyone? I need something that is cool, that will challenge my makeup skills (because whatever I am it MUST include some crazy face makeup because it is the only time of year I can get away with it without being too strange), and that won't break the bank.

(Nothing that involves open sores or anything disgusting like that...I am not into gore...)


April Lauren said...

You should be a vampire! :)

Jane said...

I think you should try an animal - bear, dog, lion, etc. - in which the face makes the costume and then you wear something fuzzy for the rest of it. Maybe a tail.

Lillian said...

One year two friends of mine came as evil pixies, which was basically a cross between goths, fairies and zombies, and they looked really cool. Plus you can use as much or as little face make up as you want

Anonymous said...

Scarecrow. Mix and match clothes, get some rafia for the straw (softer) paint face yellow, stitches around the eyes, mouth, paint red or pink large buttons for cheeks, etc. big shoes.

love mommy