Saturday, November 3, 2012


So, as some of you know, I am on Pinterest. I have a bit of an obsession with it.

Well, I have this stupid wish with Pinterest: to have more people following me than I am following. Stupid right? But, it would be kind of awesome to have more people interested in my boards? Right?

Yes, I want to be popular apparently. Never have been, so it would kinda be cool.

Anyways. I think my boards are awesome. I only pin the good ones.

And there's my two cents for the day.

(Sickness update: about 70% contained I think...not 100% yet)

1 comment:

Jannie, Mom, Grams said...

I follow 55 and have 343 people following me, I know 55 of them! Don't ask me how that happened. Many others, however, have a whole lot more people following them and they tend to follow a lot of people too. Maybe that is the key?