Friday, April 30, 2010


Last night two couples came to have dinner with the family I am living with at the moment. One of the ladies happens to be a pianist, and so after dinner I pulled out my cello, grabbed my Brahm's cello sonata in e minor...

...and bombed was awful...everyone else said that it was great to listen to us, but seriously, I am totally ashamed of my left hand. The second movement wasn't so bad, but the third...wasn't even going to go there. Not after how the first movement went...

Need. To. Practice.


Jane said...

I am sure it was better than you think it was. Remember you're a perfectionist.
I would love to hear you play sometime - you wound't happen to have recordings from then and now would you? Youtube here you come is all I'm saying.

Belle n Kent said...

I LOVE THIS POST!!! HILARIOUS!!! :) I'm laughing with you, not at you. Because surely you must be laughing at this by now! If not, you need to. But the way you wrote it was awesome. hehehe