Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To Be A 109 Year-Old Lady...Bummer...

News headline on AOL news:

After a 109-year-old woman complains about the queen's outfits, Prince William pays her a visit.

A cousin of mine recently asked what celebrity guys we have a crush on...I have to admit, I have a bit of a crush on him. He is 2 months older than I am, and I really do think he is attractive...the fact that he is royal is just an added bonus. :)

The article is kinda cool, I put the link up if you have any mild interest...sure he is getting a ton of good publicity from it, but I still think it's cool...


Last inning, we are up to bat...we are losing by one point. First batter pops out. Second batter hits a line drive but it is caught by their center. Third batter gets a base hit...

...and then it's me. Ump reminds me that I will be a hero...either for my team or for theirs. Thanks ump, no pressure... :/

First pitch was perfect...I should've ignored Chris's advice and swung on that first pitch.

Second pitch, swing and all I caught was air.

Third pitch...swing and a miss. That's the game...

Yeah, I am bummed. However much everyone else says that they made this mistake and that mistake...I got the last out, when I could've been the winning run...

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