Okay, ready for a twist? So after Church at break the fast, the guy that Warren said he had heard the rumor about ran into me. I looked offended but quickly broke into a smile and jokingly told him I heard a rumor that he and I were dating. He said that he started it, and that he wouldn't mind hanging out with me. I gave him the most surprised look I have and asked him if he was being serious. He said downright serious. Ha! He even tried to talk me into staying. He asked what I thought about it, and I said I would get back to him. I wasn't about to say anything to him that EVERYONE else might hear. I will let him down. We can be friends, but I am not in the market for anything more than that.
Just thought I would share that. :) Oh, and Warren called me and asked me if we were still friends. He asked whether we should stop talking. I was about to go on a walk, so I told him I would have to get back to him, but I really think we should stop talking completely. That way I don't go on this roller coaster anymore. So, here goes nothing.
Have a wonderful Sabbath everyone!
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