Saturday, January 4, 2014


I have had a relaxing day. Haven't done much at all in fact.

Except play around on my lovely new phone. Discovering more of the fun things I can do with it. I really am loving it. I caught up on Bones a bit (spoiler: Bones finally got married! ), played around on Pinterest, read email, bought a new Children's songbook, downloaded music to my phone that I've wanted to own.

While dawdling around on Pinterest, I decided to search for Puerto Rico to see what people have pinned.

I discovered that there were quite a few little islands belonging to the territory that have awesome coral reefs, beaches, caves, forts, lighthouses, and hiking that I need to see. I knew of three, two of which I have visited already. But even then, one I've only done by taking a taxi to a beach rather than explore it for myself.

I was amazed at how many things I haven't even heard about. And I'm excited to travel around a bit. I can't wait to visit the other islands in the Caribbean as well.
The easy access to internet via the phone suddenly has opened up a world of possibilities for me. Glad I took the plunge and made a big upgrade in my life.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I really want a break down of your job. It sounds exotic and mundane and very fluid all at the same time.