Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How was my Valentine's?

Well, let's see.

Yeah, it was a bad day.

Got to work late.

I am sick.

Mother Nature came early...again...

My flirting skills...well, attempts, really, go completely unnoticed, even on Valentine's.

I am STILL single and haven't been on a date since dinosaur's walked the Earth.

And a good friend from high school died today, and no one seems to know why. I feel dearly for his parents and brother who are all good friends of mine from high school as well as his wife whom I have never met. I can only imagine what they are feeling at this time. Nothing like something like this to remind you that this really is a mortal world.


I still think Valentine's can be a really wonderful day. That little girlish hope is in there somewhere. I even poked it out to try and cheer someone else up.

But yeah, it officially turned into a crappy day this evening. At least I was able to use the excuse of being sick to head home early and my roommate gave me a sweet little Valentine and decided for me what I should make for dinner because I was at a loss staring at the innards of our fridge. Small silver linings to my crappy day.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I'm sorry. Days like that are no fun at all. I wish I could read the future and tell when it'll all work out but I'd be way richer if I could do that. Here's to better days soon.