Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Long long day...

So grateful that I get to sleep in on Thursdays a little...just got home 20 minutes ago...gah...

It was very cold today. Time to wear snow jacket, gloves and scarf every day.

No more of this tough it out stuff.

I keep thinking that if I wear a light sweater and socks that I can handle it a little longer.


I need a better job. Full time, benefits, make more money an hour. Hopefully keep one part time job...the afternoon one preferably since I have a contract there (although I make more an hour at the other one...ugh...).

No more of this just making it by stuff.

And that's all folks. Good night. (sleepy smiley face inserted HERE)

1 comment:

Jane said...

I am sending thoughts of a perfect job your way. -------> And there we go. They should call you in a few days.