Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Once upon a time there was a girl. This girl had big feet. This girl really wanted some cute, comfy, affordable but well made boots. But being that she had big feet, very few places had boots that met these standards.

Cute boots. Not made for snowy conditions, super warm boots. She has those.

CUTE boots.

Stupid stupid stupid.

The End.

(Yes, I know I could order some online, but the chances that they will suit my feet are sorta kinda slim.)

((This is a true story))

And there is my rant for the night. Good night.


Master P said...

I want cute boots too, but I don't want them to look cheap but not BE cheap. I think I have to accept that if I'm not going to spent $300 I' not gonna have cute boots. I stalk boots online ALL THE TIME.

Jane said...

I look at people with cute boots and I want some and then I try some on and they make my feet hot and I have to wear socks and then the dream becomes a nightmare until I see someone in cute boots again...

Jannie, Mom, Grams said...

I know this story. Cute boots are cute, sure, but NOT comfy! End of story...