Friday, February 27, 2009

What a Week...fears...

This was an interesting four days of work...needless to say, I slept in until 10:00am today. And I think I actually really did need it this time...I feel much better. I probably would have slept more, but the thunder woke me up. We have quite the storm system over us right now...and more coming directly for us. This is great though, we need the rain quite desperately. Hopefully no tornado's are coming in this system though...

I know I have said this before, but the acoustics here in the South are AMAZING...the thunder is SO LOUD. I never heard anything like this out West.


I am afraid of a couple of, you could call them semi-phobias...I don't really flip out, but I am severely afraid of them. (lol, I just re-read, am I totally, like, a California Valley Girl or what??)

One is semi-trucks. I speed as quickly as I can around them. I do not stand next to them, I don't park next to them, I don't like being directly in front or behind or even diagonal from them. I think this is due to a time when I lived in California. We were on the 101 between Santa Maria and Santa Barbara, it was really windy (Santa Ana's), we went around a curve, and a semi-truck was on half of his wheels...and we were not far behind it. Time went really slow for the next 30 seconds. If he went down, we (Mom, sister and yours truly) were going down with it. Luckily the truck got back on all its wheels. I remember begging my Mom to speed by him as quickly as possible...

I am even MORE afraid of cement trucks...why, I am not sure. I have been around them a lot because my Dad used to do a lot of construction projects on our properties. I stayed as far away from them as I could. If I had the option, I would've stayed home while they were laying the concrete pad. One time as I was backing away from one, I hyper-extended my knee. It hurt.

Another fear is of tornado's. Hurricane's are not enjoyable, but I am not really afraid of them. Tornado's, however, I am. As soon as the alarms start going off, I am not in a happy place. I will not miss Alabama for the weather, that is for sure.

I have a very strong fear of hurting my knee. All the time, any time. Me being the queen of stupid accidents that produce very bad results, I suppose this is an understandable fear. It has subsided quite a bit since my surgery two years ago (I cannot BELIEVE it has been two years by the by), but it's still substantial. If I am going downstairs, I hold the rail. I know, I know, there are germs on the rail, but I would rather have a cold than a twisted ankle or yet another knee injury...or any other injury that a bad step could produce on the stairs.

What are you afraid of?

1 comment:

Jane said...

I am a-feared of the dark - juvenile I know, but I don't like dark places...I can't see anything and I like to know, even if it's bad, I'd like to SEE the spider rather than not see and wonder if there is a gigantic spider about to land on my head.