Okay, this is JUST New Year's Eve...which evidently is the only day of my whole vacation where I actually pulled out and used my camera...

The sister really wanted to eat at Cracker's...this is proof that I made her dream come true...

Ison showing off...

He said "I wish I had some toothpicks"...now, I could've walked up to the front of the restaurant, but no, I remembered I had stashed a couple in my purse...why, I don't know, I don't usually do that...

Yes, that is two forks balancing on two toothpicks...there are no tricks being pulled here. I was very much impressed...if you look carefully, you can see that lunch was delayed because I had to get a picture...that is our food in the background waiting patiently to be served to us...


mmmmmmmmmmm...pizza...my Dad always makes pizza New Year's Eve at our big party...

Robert playing with his gameboy/whatchamacallit thingy and Atom recovering from the AMAZING food that we ate...

Nick trying to show Jones that he really is a pyro...

Jones getting all the attention...and soaking it up!

Bradley and Jones...I LOVE Jones' expression!!

He LOVED it!

Jace got jealous, so his Daddy decided to give him a piggy-back too...

:) Couldn't help myself to this shot...

See...family of pyros...

Soon to be Daddy of TWIN BOYS!!!

The one carrying the twin boys...3 months along and already showing...bless you, my dear...I hope I can be there when they come!!!

One of my favorite Uncles...

Yes, it is winter, it is nighttime, and we are outside wearing shorts, t-shirts, etc. Wait a minute...nope, it was just Bradley...

The plotting and preparing...

Bottle rockets...tons and TONS of bottle rockets...we stuck them into the ground...

Which made for fun when they wouldn't take off...it was HILARIOUS...I have a couple of videos of this, but however well you can watch them on my camera, on the computer you can't see very well at all...not happy about that...

We got pretty spread out with all the fireworks we were setting off...

Awwww...he fits in very well, he is defintely a pyro as well...

Barron and Jessica and (soon to be) Barron the II...SO excited! (his due date is SO close to my birthday...good month to be born in...yay!)

K, so even though Arizona is much warmer than other places in December, it does get cold...this is an unheated pool...don't need the heater during the blistering summer months...anyways...my crazy cousin Nick taking a plunge in VERY VERY cold water. He wanted an airborn picture taken of him...pretty dang awesome, yeah?

"K, give me a crazy face!" I LOVE telling kids that, I get the BEST expressions...

Aunt Trudy and Denise...

Mom: "cootchy cootchy coo...". It worked, he definitely smiled! :) My parents and Aunt Marilyn putting together a puzzle...

Proof that Nathan loves his Mommy...he is seriously attached to Josh, so this was a rare and VERY precious site...

Maine zonked out...

Puzzle puzzle puzzle...Aunt Linda, Aunt Nancy and I stayed up until 4 am finishing this puzzle. Yes we are nuts. And we got VERY silly too...it was awesome. That is going in my "favorite memories" vault in my head...

Puzzle, puzzle, puzzle...

It is NOT a Raisor party without this...Ison, welcome to the club...I can't wait until all the cousins are together and we have a 42 tournament! :)

Me and my favorite person...Not a very good picture of me, but my goodness could Mommy get any cuter?
There you have it. Hope you enjoyed the recap of my activities exactly 1 week ago...I miss all of you SO SO SO SO much...